The ancient origin of ceremonies between seasons is believed to bring the world of the living and dead closer together. These particular times of transition are being differentiated from the everyday with rituals. Celebrating recurring events of the year with particular foods is a very important part of Japanese tradition. Reiko Kanazawa organizes each year four dinner events: during 'equinox' (spring and autumn), and 'bon' a Japanese custom after summer solstice, as well as 'New Year'. Through these special dinners we have the opportunity to gain awareness of the corporeal and ephemeral nature of our physical presence as well as the seasons.
On the 21st and 22nd of September Reiko Kanazawa and Yuki Nishino will prepare for a multi course equinox menu with fermented food. The carefully crafted dishes will incorporate regional German ingredients and products by mimi, as well as special wild herbs from Florinn Bareth.
In a performance this time Nao Shio will perform site specific sounds like water from mountains and fermentation sounds with guitar.
The menu includes special drinks (and will contain fish. Please inform us in advance if you require a vegan option.)
Am 21. und 22. September werden Reiko Kanazawa und Yuki Nishino ein Menü zur Tag-und-Nacht-Gleiche zubereiten mit mehreren Gängen mit fermentierten Lebensmitteln. Für die liebevoll bereiteten Gerichte werden sie regionale deutsche Zutaten und Produkte von mimi verwenden sowie Wildkräuter von Florinn Bareth.
Besondere Natto-Vorspeise
Spezielles Tempeh
Reissuppe mit Fisch
Verschiedene eingelegte Gurken
Nachtisch mit Amazake
Wir freuen uns darauf, diesen Abend mit Euch zu teilen.