equinox fermentation dinner 23.03.2024 / 24.03.2024

equinox fermentation dinner 23.03.2024 / 24.03.2024

Normaler Preis €120,00
Stückpreis  pro 
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

(For German please scroll down)

We are happy to announce our 13th Equinox fermentation dinner. This event will feature an experimental music and performance by Raed Yassin.
The ancient origin of ceremonies between seasons is believed to bring the world of the living and dead closer together. These particular times of transition are being differentiated from the everyday with rituals. Celebrating recurring events of the year with particular foods is a very important part of Japanese tradition. Reiko Kanazawa organizes each year four dinner events: during 'equinox' (spring and autumn), and 'bon' a Japanese custom after summer solstice, as well as 'New Year'. Through these special dinners we have the opportunity to gain awareness of the corporeal and ephemeral nature of our physical presence as well as the seasons.

On the 23rd and 24th of March Reiko Kanazawa and Yuki Nishino will prepare for a multi course equinox menu with fermented food. The carefully crafted dishes will incorporate regional German ingredients and products by mimi, as well as special wild herbs from Florinn Bareth.

The music will be 45 min. Fermentation dinner from 19:00.

Special Natto appetizer
Assorted pickles
Special Tempeh
Chirashi sushi with kombucha
Medicinal soup
Dessert with Amazake

The course is included special drinks (and will contain fish. Please inform us in advance if you require a vegan option.)

Raed Yassin, currently based in Berlin, stands as a prominent figure within the Lebanese underground music scene, having played a pivotal role for many years. A versatile musician, he actively contributes to various bands and groups, with notable affiliations including "A" Trio and PRAED, among others.
Primarily recognized as a skillful double bassist, Yassin has distinguished himself through the development of a personal and independent extended technique. This is evident in his innovative use of different preparations and objects applied to his instrument. His focus on textures, energies, vibrations, and the density of volume and sound showcases a departure from conventional melodic structures, highlighting a unique and experimental approach to his craft.
In addition to his proficiency as a double bassist, Raed Yassin also makes significant contributions as an electronic musician. Utilizing multiple synthesizers and electronic devices, he crafts intricate and textural waves of sound. His electronic compositions draw inspiration from early and retro electronics, as well as musique concrète, reflecting a rich and diverse musical palette.
With an unwavering commitment to pushing musical boundaries, Raed Yassin continues to explore and innovate within the realms of both acoustic and electronic music. His multifaceted approach and distinctive style contribute to the richness and dynamism of the Berlin music landscape.


Wir freuen uns, Euch herzlich zu unserem 13. Equinox-Fermentationsdinner einzuladen. An diesem besonderen Abend erwartet Euch experimentelle Musik sowie eine Performance von Raed Yassin.

Die uralten Zeremonien zwischen den Jahreszeiten sollen eine Verbindung zwischen der Welt der Lebenden und der welt der Toten schaffen. Durch Rituale grenzen wir diese Übergangszeiten vom Alltag ab. Das Feiern jährlich wiederkehrender Ereignisse mit besonderen Speisen ist dabei ein wichtiger Teil der japanischen Tradition. Reiko Kanazawa organisiert jedes Jahr vier Abendveranstaltungen: während der 'Tagundnachtgleiche' (Frühling und Herbst), dem 'Bon', einem japanischen Brauch nach der Sommersonnenwende, sowie dem 'Neujahr'. Durch diese besonderen Essen haben wir die Möglichkeit, uns der körperlichen und vergänglichen Natur unserer physischen Präsenz sowie der Jahreszeiten bewusst zu werden.

Am 23. und 24. März werden Reiko Kanazawa und Yuki Nishino ein mehrgängiges Menü zur Tagundnachtgleiche mit fermentierten Lebensmitteln zubereiten. Für die liebevoll zubereiteten Gerichte werden sie regionale deutsche Zutaten und Produkte von mimi verarbeiten sowie Wildkräuter von Florinn Bareth.
Die musikalische Darbietung wird 45 Minuten dauern. Das Fermentationsdinner beginnt um 19:00 Uhr.

Besondere Natto-Vorspeise
Verschiedene eingelegte Gurken
Spezielles Tempeh
Chirashi-Sushi mit Kombucha
Heilkräftige Suppe
Nachtisch mit Amazake

Das Menü beinhaltet besondere Getränke und enthält Fisch. Bitte informiert uns im Voraus, falls ihr eine vegane Option wünscht.

Wir freuen uns darauf, diesen Abend mit Euch zu teilen.